
MOST LIKELY ESSAY FOR BOARD EXAM Face Book good or bad? OR Social Networking: Boon or Bane?

The Place of women in Indian Society

            Traditionally, there have always been two attitudes towards women, either it is that women are weak, they must be protected, kept at home and looked after – the daughter, the wife and the mother. The other is – she must be worshipped. We see them as goddesses – Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswati. The reality is that Indian women are neither. They are not stone statues but they are human being to be treated equally as man. 
            The place of women in Indian society today is an uncertain one. She has not totally stepped out of the past exploitative role that the society had designed for her. Today we have the constitutional guarantees, the legislation that makes a girl equal to a boy, but social change is slow. We cannot brainwash the parents and gender conditioning still treats women as the weaker sex. The New Education Policy, the dream child of our late Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, guided in an age of equal rights. Yet the thousands of young women who have passed the institutions of higher have not caused a major revolution. The question still remains – after almost 60 years of planned development, in what way has the lives of women really changed?
    Millions of women are still illiterate. They face dowry problems, malnutrition, discrimination, offences of rape, violence in the home and outside. There is a way to change this. Each educated women to whom knowledge has been given, must now understand the value of being a committed citizen. They must question the value of traditional practices. Above all, there must be a liberality of vision, a caring spirit that would like to reach out and help the less fortunate. All women must be prepared to be agents of change and instruments of women’s liberation. Only then will Indian women find their true equal place in society. 

Facebook good or bad? OR

Social Networking: Boon or Bane?


On a positive note, social media allows kids to practice life behind a safety curtain, allowing them to share personal information with their friends and not have to deal with their reactions right away. This could be a plus point for shy kids and could help to get them out of their shells.

Many teachers are taking advantage of these sites, and are creating accounts for themselves so that they might hold their students accountable for actions, and also update them on assignments, tests, etc. In fact, one particular open-source networking site, Elgg, allows students and teachers alike to create profiles, blogs, and is entirely intended to enhance the educational experience by giving students a place to go outside of class to contact teachers, keep current on assignments, projects, and quizzes, and to ensure, to the best of their abilities, that they do not shirk responsibility; if anything, the adaptability of networking sites is doing more good for education than anything.

Sarojini Naidu College lecturer Seema Raizada said it is wrong to say that students are harmed by being active on social networking sites. In present time, world is becoming a global village and social networking sites are the platforms which provide a student to learn, to understand, to communicate. Now a day it is seen that students have knowledge and active participation in social, political issues which in earlier times was difficult for a student to achieve.


A school student, said, “I used to be very active on social networking sites. More than 500 friends and several activities, consumed my most of the time. But after my half yearly examinations result lowered by 20 per cent I felt it was just due to my over social networking. After deactivating my profiles on several websites, now my results have improved.”

Social networking sites are acting as a major distraction for students as they are spending too much time on them, instead of utilising their time on books, newspapers and other educational resources. Parents in particular and schools in general are worried over the future prospects of their children as they spend much of their valuable time on social networking sites.

Both, schoolteachers and parents are also facing problems with this increasing popularity of social networking sites among students. In some of the schools, the authorities have strictly warned students not to be a part of them otherwise they would face the music.

On the other hand, there are schools, where the authorities are least bothered whether the students are members of these sites and the teachers and students are friends to each other on those sites.

While playing games, listening to music or reading books, a student devotes just that much time while he is doing the activity, but on social networking sites, the student even when not browsing only thinks about the next update or comment he or she might post which is more harmful.

It suggested that the parents should have constant, open conversations with their kids about how they are using technology, and not make judgments so they feel comfortable discussing how they behave with other kids online. This could make children more aware that what they say online can hurt others and help them to avoid cyber-bullying.

Uses and misuses of Mobile phones 

The mobile phone is one of the greatest inventions made by man in 20th century. We cannot imagine our life without the mobile phone. Like this, it is obviously a truth that using mobile phones gives us enormous benefits in all aspects. Otherwise, this causes some trouble in a specific situation. In this essay, I will explain about the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones with some examples to support my opinion.

At first, I believe that using mobile phone have contributed our communication to make easier than before. As you know, 30 years ago, all people should grasp a landline phone or go to the public telephone booth to make a call. In addition to that, 50 years ago, we should post a mail or visit someone to communicate. However, in recent times, we can talk with foreigners who live overseas, whenever we want. Furthermore, we are able to save our time and reduce the business trip expenditure and avoid being traffic jams and prevent environmental pollution by the combustion of the fuel.

Conversely, some people have been suffering from careless using mobile phones of others. We can see some rude people who speak loudly in public places, in particular in libraries, trains and theatres. It makes severe noise and quarrel sometimes. Actually, according to the previous news, a certain person killed someone with cruel assault because of the reason that he spoke too loudly in a train. As another example, the camera of mobile phones sometimes disturbs a person’s privacy. In case of a certain country, the government has legislated to prohibit from taking a photo in public places such as a swimming pool and a spa.

To conclude, the pros and cons of using mobile phones depend on the way how we can use it in right ways or in wrong ways. Even though it is only personal stuff, we should always be careful for using it.