

            Charles Eliot Norton , an educator and humanitarian , said , “they serve God well who serve His creatures .”Benjamin Franklin , a great scientist said , ‘Serving is god is doing good to man .”

            The noblest creation of God is man . Yet , There are millions who suffer lives of utter misery and degradation . if we wish to worship God , the best way would be devote our lives to the service of the poor and the destitute . Everyone recognizes the value of this kind of noble work and acknowledges its greatness  . politicians , statesmen and military generals are often forgotten with the passing of time . But noble souls like Gandhiji and mother Teresa have earned universal reverence and live forever in the heart of people , only because they worked selflessly for the good of others . Whenever Mother Teresa was asked , “why do you do this work for lepers and the poor ? “ , she would take the five fingers of the right hand of the person , and touching each finger would say five words : “I – do – for – Him ! “

We find that even many rich people do not lift a finger to help on orphan , a window or a poor deserving student . don’t they realize that God dwells in everyone ? whatever they have earned has been form society , so it naturally follows that they should give back to society what they have got from it . And the best way to do that would be by serving their fellowmen .