


Meaning: - Events play an important role in our society. Any happening or an activity can be referred as an event. Examples of event can include:

 Celebration of a festival or any other celebration.

 A football match between two clubs or countries.

 A launching of a new product.

 Farewell party to students, etc.

Definition: -Dr. J. Goldblatt defines special Event as “A unique moment in time celebrated with ceremony and ritual to satisfy specific needs”.

The Following are the characteristic of Event Management:

1. Creative Process: -Event Management is a creative process. The event management team must be creative or dynamic. It must come up with new ideas to manage and deal with the event. Creative ideas will enable the success of the event.

2. Objective Oriented: - Event Management focuses on objectives. Every event has certain goals or objectives to be achieved. Therefore, all the activities will be directed to achieve the objectives. Unwanted activities or unnecessary formalities may be done away with.

3. Requires effective Leadership: - Event Management requires effective leadership on the part of event managers. The Event Managers have to influence and motivate the employees in order to undertake the event successfully. Therefore, there is a need to have effective leadership skills on the part of Event Managers to manage the event successfully.

4. Requires effective Promotion: - Event Management requires effective promotion. The event promotion involves:

 Publicity of the event.

 Advertising of the event.

 Maintaining good public relations

5. Planning and Control: -The event management team has to plan and control the activities relating to the event, the planning and controlling activities involve:

 Developing a mission statement for the event.

 Establishing the objectives of the event.

 Preparation of event proposal.

 Evaluating the performance of the event.

 Taking Corrective measures for the future event

6. Deals with different event: - To manage event successfully, there is a need for professionalism on the part of event management. Professionalism involves:

 Mega-event such as Olympics or World-Cup Football.

 Local events such as Carnival in Goa or Boat-race in Kerala.

 Organisational events such as launch of a new product. Etc.

7. Requires Professionalism: -To manage an event successfully, ther is a need for professionalism on the part of event management. Professionalism involves:

 Systematic planning and control of activities

 Proper training of manpower

 Proper compensation to the employees.