Q.1. (A) Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct
options : 2 marks
(i) The direction of the magnetic field around a straight conductor
carrying current is given by ..................... .
(a) right hand rule (b) Fleming’s left hand rule (c) Fleming’s right hand rule (d) none of these
(ii) To increase the effective resistance in a circuit the resistors are
connected in ..................... .
(a) series (b) parallel (c) series and parallel (d) none of these
Q.1. (B) State True of False : 3
(i) If the image is erect, the height of the image is negative.
(ii) During dispersion red colour deviates the most.
(iii) Electric generator is used to generate current.
Q.1. (C) Fill in the blanks : 1
(i) The chemical reaction during which hydrogen is lost is called as
....................... .
Q.1. (D) Odd man out : 1
Citric acid, Formic acid, lactic acid, nitric acid
Explain with reason.
Q.2. Answer the following sub questions : 6
(i) A magnetic crane is used to load and transport scrap iron. Why ?
(ii) Iron reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid. (Write balance chemical reaction)
(iii) Connecting wires in a circuit is made of copper and aluminium. Why?
Q.3. Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions : 12
(i) The resistance of the filament of a bulb is 1000 ohm. It drawings current from a source of 230 V. How much current is flowing through it?
(ii) Among the first twenty elements, which are metals, non-metals
and metalloids?
(iii) Write a short note on Dispersion of light.
(iv) What are the rules for drawing ray diagrams for the formation of
image by spherical mirror ?
(v) What are the steps of writing a chemical equation?
Q.4. Answer ANY ONE of the following questions : 5
(i) (a) Find the expression for three resistance connected in series.
(b) Fuse is always connected in series. Why ?
(ii) (a) State three applications of convex lens.
(b) An image is formed 5 cm behind a convex mirror of focal length
10 cm. At what distance is the object placed from the mirror ?
Q.5. (A) Fill in the blanks : 3
(i) Metals react with dilute acids to give ....................... and ................... gas is liberated.
(ii) During unfavourable conditions, the amoeba secretes a hard covering called ....................... .
(iii) Pure gold is alloyed with ............... or ............... to make ornaments.
Q.5. (B) State whether True or False : 3
(i) Aquatic animals breathe at a slower rate than the terrestrial animals.
(ii) The medulla oblongata controls vital involuntary activities like blood
flow, breathing, sneezing, etc.
(iii) General formula of alkane is CnH2n.
Q.5. (C) Answer in one sentence : 1
(i) Define Homoeostasis.
Q.6. Answer the following questions : 6
(i) What is respiration ? Explain the phases of respiration.
(ii) What are vestigial organs ? Give examples.
(iii) Zinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid. (Write balance chemical reaction)
Q.7. Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions : 12
(i) Explain the extraction of less reactive metals.
(ii) What is meiosis ? Represent it diagramatically.
(iii) Draw a neat labelled diagram of vertical section of human brain.
(iv) (a) Distinguish between : Toilet soap and Laundry soap.
(b) Define Roasting.
(v) Explain the importance of variations in living organisms.
Q.8. Answer ANY ONE of the following questions : 5
(i) Describe the double circulation of blood. (Diagram not required)
(ii) Describe Darwin’s theory of evolution.