Relation between Total,
Average and Marginal Product
So long as marginal product rises, total product increases at increasing
Marginal product starts falling but remains positive, total product
rises at diminishing rate.
When marginal product becomes negative, then total product starts
So long as average production is less than marginal product, average
production increases Marginal product intersects average product at the point
where average product is maximum. After this average product starts falling and
is more than marginal product in this stage.
Returns to a factor : In a short period when additional units of
variablefactors are employed with fixed factors, then returns to a factor
operates. Returns to a factor shows the changes in total products, of a good
when only the quantity of one
input is increased, while that of other inputs kept content.
Law of variable proportion : The law states that as we increase thequantity
of only variable one input, keeping other inputs fixed, the total product
increases at increasing rate in the beginning, then increases at decreasing
rate and finally TP falls. According to this law, change in TP and MP are
classify into three shares.

Phase I : TP Increases at increasing rate : In the initial phase asmore
and more units of variable factor are employed with fixed factor total physical
production increases at increasing rate, MP increases.

Phase II : TP increases at decreasing rate : As more
and moreunits of variable factors are employed with fixed factors then total
product increases at diminishing rate, MP decreases but is positive. At the end
of this phase TP maximum and MP becomes zero.

Phase III : TP falls : As more and more units of variable factorsare
employed with given fixed factors, total production starts decreasing and
marginal product becomes negative.

Cost : It
is the sum of direct (explicit cost) and indirect cost(explicit cost),
including Normal profit.

cost : Explicit cost +
implicit cost + Normal Profit.

Those monetary payments,
which are incurred by producers for payment those of factor and non-factor
inputs which are not owned by produces are called Direct Cost. It is also
called explicit cost.