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Find the first term and common difference of the Arithmetic Progressions whose nth terms are given below (i) tn = −3 +2n

Find the first term and common difference of the Arithmetic Progressions whose nth terms are given below
(i) tn = −3 +2n
Solution :
To find the 1st term of the sequence, we have to apply n = 1.
1st term
 t1 = −3 + 2(1)
 t1 = −3 + 2  = -1
2nd term
 t2 = −3 + 2(2)
 t2 = −3 + 4  = 1
d = t2 -  t1   = 1 - (-1)  = 1 + 1 ==> d  = 2

Hence the first term and common difference are -1 and 2 respectively.